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Видеосистеми с голям екран

Видеосистеми с голям екран

Wer Heute Erfolg haben will muß Seine Produkte und Dienstleistungen wirkungsvoll präsentieren. Erst der professionelle Einsatz moderner Kommunikationsmittel sorgt dafür dass Ihre Angebote überzeugend, anschaulich und interessant -dem Zeitgeist entsprechend- demonstriert werden können. rb-Audio bietet Ihnen eine Vielzahl von Produkten für Ihre Präsentations- und Schulungsarbeit. Fordern Sie hierzu unseren aktuellen Multimediakatalog nebst Verleihliste an.
Видеофилми / Имиджови филми

Видеофилми / Имиджови филми

Ein Videofilm vervollständig heutzutage ihre Aussenkummunikation. Einsetzbar in folgenden Bereichen: Webseite, Messen, Präsentationen, Warteraum-TV und Kino-Spots.
Аксесоари - Камерни системи

Аксесоари - Камерни системи

HUBTEX offers various accessories for your industrial trucks in addition to the vehicle-specific equipment. These accessories are purchased from well-known suppliers unless they are manufactured in in-house to our own design. Below you will find a choice of the most important components. Camera systems In particular during the handling of very bulky, long and high loads, the truck driver often does not have a good all-round view from the cabin. For this purpose, HUBTEX offers different versions of camera systems intended to optimally support the driver during his/her work. The camera systems are installed in such a manner that critical areas can be monitored to the best possible extent.
Емарт Груп

Емарт Груп

Our company EMART GROUP, whose foundation year is 2020, continues to be the most preferred one in Turkey and the world in the export sector since its establishment, and at the same time, we are a manufacturer company that produces camera junction boxes, CCTV Accessories with quality materials. Our company, which provides service in the world and in Turkey, has consumers in more than 48 provinces in Turkey. Our company, which dominates the foreign market as well as the domestic market, has dealerships in many countries. These are Russia (Kazan and Krasnoyarsk), Palestine, Israel, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Iraq.
Cardpresso Software Xxl

Cardpresso Software Xxl

cardPresso XXL card design software Upgrade The XXL version adds advanced features like MIFARE® DESFire® encoding, Web Print Server and Net License up to 16 PCs.
Сигурност на строителната площадка

Сигурност на строителната площадка

Sécurité chantier le logiciel MéthoCAD comprend les bibliothèques sous AutoCAD des PTE des principaux fabricants du marché (Hussor, Outinord, Sateco, Jalmat… ) aussi bien en plan qu’en coupe. Le calepinage des PTE le long des voiles peutêtre automatique ou réalisé en interactif par l’utilisateur.avec vérification des positions des attaches volantes. Une numérotation est insérée permettant d’identifier les PTE. Le logiciel génère une nomenclature des PTE et de leurs principaux composants. La cotation des PTE est totalement automatique. Au droit de toutes les ouvertures, des coupes sont réalisés sur les voiles pour permettre d’insérer les détails de support et de leurs éventuels éléments de reprise. Des étiquettes sont insérées pour la validation.